The Mirror (1975)

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The Mirror (1975)

Wow. There's not really much I can say about The Mirror. But, I can say that it's instantly become one of my favorite films of all-time. It welled up such a feeling in me. It's an incredible piece of art.

The plot is seemingly unimportant. An unseen man reflects on his life. However, like all reminiscences and memories, this isn't conventional in any sense. He recounts small mundane details as well as grand events. Some things are real, some are exaggerated, some are complete fabrications. Nothing appears in any kind of chronological order. Some parts are in full color, some are monochromatic, some appear to be documentary-style, others not. To add to the confusion, the same actress plays both the narrator's Mother and his Wife in scenes. Also, a random old lady also played his Mother sometimes.

So, it sounds incredibly confusing. You may be wondering why the Hell I loved it so much. Simply put, it's an incredibly powerful, moving, forceful work. Like all art, it can't be interpreted in any literal sense. I understood this early on, and just let the film take me on its journey, to wash over me and envelop me in its images and sounds.

I really can't say much more about it, just because I didn't understand it. It moved me so much, yet I'm almost completely at a loss to explain why this is so. Definitely one of the true works of art in the cinematic medium.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In any true work of art, not necessarily cinematic, the plot is unimportant. Still, it won’t hurt to know what’s going on :) Do you know what are those ‘grand events’? I’d be delighted to tell you.

It’s fantastic how Tarkovsky’s genius could influence someone of an absolutely different cultural background, someone of the next generation, too! I love him, but you know I would never have thought it was possible. It wonderful to be proven wrong in this case!


5:17 AM  

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