Faces (1968)

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Faces (1968)

So, Faces is the last of the Cassavetes films for me to see, from the box, aside from the documentary.They've ranged from great to crappy, and unfortunately, I find Faces to be near the bottom of the totem pole. I thought it was incredibly boring. Now, my taste will show that I've got a whole lot more patience than the average viewer, so I'm not just some moron who slags on a film because nothing explodes.

I guess Faces is a character study. The problem is that the characters in question are boring and extremely annoying. They spend most of the film drunk, laughing, dancing and singing incessantly. Once in a while, one character will get so drunk that they let a faux pas slip, and then everyone else gets quiet and angry while they try to drunkenly redeem themselves.

I suppose that there's a good deal of message underlying, the battle of the sexes and such. And I like the basic plot that a man and woman both cheat on one another on the same night and have to deal with the consequences. But, for the love of God, don't fill most of the movie with inane babble and drunken laughing. Also, I didn't really understand their motivations, most of the time. I guess they're just annoying drunks.


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